Magyar Gabonatermesztésért díjátadó ünnepség 2020-09-07

About the Grain Producers’ Association - Hungary
Our Association was founded in 2004 at the initiative of the producers of the grain sector; the date of registration in the Commercial Registry is 14th July 2004.
The Association serves as the professional representative body of agricultural producers of the grain sector as well as other related crops - oil plants (sunflower, rapeseed, soya), protein and fiber crops.
Membership and admission
Joining the Grain Producers’ Association - Hungary:
The Grain Producers’ Association - Hungary has about 3,000 members. All grain sector producers, processors, producers outside the grain sector, and integrators – natural and legal persons can become members who accept the basic rule, pay membership contribution and ask for the admission in a written declaration. The written declaration also serves as communication of data (see attachments).
Annual membership contribution is determined annually by the Assembly of Delegates.
The membership contribution of 2019 is the following:
Based on the membership – upon the request of the member – the Grain Producers’ Association - Hungary issues a certificate and a statement of support that can be used to submit tenders and to benefit from subsidies and allowances.
Formation of the Association
Our Association was formed in 2004 at the initiative of the producers of the grain sector; the date of company registration in the Commercial Registry is 14th July 2004.
The Association serves as the professional representative body of agricultural producers of the grain sector as well as other related crops - oil plants (sunflower, rapeseed, and soya), protein and fiber crops.
The main objectives of the Association:
To protect members’ interest in relation to crop production, notably representing producers’ interests in sectoral and European Commission regulations.
To protect its members against any violations of interest and discrimination in their economic relations against other economic operators. To improve professional and farming skills of its members; also to provide information of general interest about crop production on a regular basis.
The Association represents the common interest of grains sector producers, thereby increasing producers’ capacity to promote their own interests.
The Association cooperates with product boards whose core activities are related to the grain sector, and who are maintaining their relations and continuously establishing new ones in this field.
Its members pay an annual membership contribution which is determined by the Assembly of Delegates.
The organization of GOSZ:
-Assembly of Delegates: 52 members
-Presidency: 11 members
-Audit Committee: 5 members
-Secretary: 3 members